Sunday, April 6, 2008


i have often wondered why people dread calling themselves relegious. oh. we are spiritual not relegious! why is the relegion so bad? or the one is better than the other? or will not fit into the stereotypes if i become relegious? will i become an endorser of some party that preaches one particular relegion? why cant we be relegious and spiritual both at the same time ? why cant we follow all relgions and be spirtiual at all times ? why cant we pull the unwanted from each relegion and embrace each of them at all times? why cant we blink at god's rather than bowing in front of them? why cant we say hi to them ? its about breaking barriers that man has created among gods and uniting them one more time and not vice versa. its about them this merge the boudries between relegions and let them reach divine...the power is with us...this time...

1 comment:

raghu said...

Religions almost always brand you as a follower. You always follow a religion, which, I believe is a passive process. You don't disagree with some aspects of your religion, and agree with some; it comes as a package! Take it or leave it..

One need not accept all that a religion has on offer; one can always pick and choose, but in that case, he wouldn't be exactly called 'religious' would he?

And as far as spiritualism goes, I find it as a very vague concept.