Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i like to work from a space of nothingness. from there i can pick anything. create anything. and mould anything. give shape to anything. from that space of nothingness i can create everything. and then retire back to that space of nothingness as if nothing happened. i can light fires, build bridges, tear down walls, create palaces and restore them to nothingness. its a space serene and that space of nothingness creates everything around me. come away with me...to this nothingness...

Thursday, December 18, 2008


have you seen the indian cow, with the black khol lined and one of the most beautiful eyes on the planet. the stories it holds inside. the tears, the pains, of glass and plastic churning in its stomach. of people feeding it for their to give good karma to their ancestors but forgetting it later on. i sat with one cow one day...ah it was lovely those two hours...we just met eye to eye...i scratched her back, which she loved and then her feet going right upto her neck and to ther ears. i said to her i love you...and please take care of yourself...she outstreched her neck ever more willing to get a hand on it to the last bit and then i slipped my hand inside her mouth...the slurpy tounge...rough and course...but filled with love...it was truly love at first sight for both of us....as we parted...our eyes were gleaming...our thoughts were relaxed and there was this hope of meeting again...for one more of such a meeting....