Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i like to work from a space of nothingness. from there i can pick anything. create anything. and mould anything. give shape to anything. from that space of nothingness i can create everything. and then retire back to that space of nothingness as if nothing happened. i can light fires, build bridges, tear down walls, create palaces and restore them to nothingness. its a space serene and that space of nothingness creates everything around me. come away with me...to this nothingness...

Thursday, December 18, 2008


have you seen the indian cow, with the black khol lined and one of the most beautiful eyes on the planet. the stories it holds inside. the tears, the pains, of glass and plastic churning in its stomach. of people feeding it for their to give good karma to their ancestors but forgetting it later on. i sat with one cow one day...ah it was lovely those two hours...we just met eye to eye...i scratched her back, which she loved and then her feet going right upto her neck and to ther ears. i said to her i love you...and please take care of yourself...she outstreched her neck ever more willing to get a hand on it to the last bit and then i slipped my hand inside her mouth...the slurpy tounge...rough and course...but filled with love...it was truly love at first sight for both of us....as we parted...our eyes were gleaming...our thoughts were relaxed and there was this hope of meeting again...for one more of such a meeting....

Monday, September 8, 2008


the relegion does not divide nor does divide money
what divides is the ego
the illusion that ego creates leads to the blame game and the hatred
look carefully...
relegion was created to unite the man not divide
it comes from the holy spirit the christ the allah ishwar parambhramha
for people to understand it in various forms.
if you go deep, there is pure gold in this...
just my thoughts for today

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

thoughts for today...

to give joy is to get some!

as a writer there is a duty towards words which come from the mouth, flow from the pen or originate in the mind, to maintain the sanctity of the letters and purity of thought is of utmost importance to a writer...

the love radha had for krursna (gujrati way of speaking) the surrender the purity is amazing.

the creator only creates with pure love, with pure energy and with pure enthusiasm, be the creater of your life not the critique.

walk like you dont care who is watching, love like you dont care whats going to happen next, live like thats this is the best moment...

becoming is the key...being is the key...rest is all maya...drop everything...become...be...and the rest will follow...

there is no law of negativity...there is nothing negative in this world...its only human perception...which makes it so...god is unconditional...love purity...forgiving....always and forever...to realize that god inside is part of that process of your being...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

the hunter shoots one arrow and the bird falls down, the little ball of feathers has no life and no song and yet the killer dances with joy on his success. i fail to understand, why the same death that makes one's relative even untouchable. the same death man keeps distributing amongst all...mahadevi vermai am so thankful to the govt and people of this country for honouring me with this highest civilian honour of the country, but i am sad i could not share it with my husband who passed away recently...m.s subulaxmi the famous singer reciving the bharat ratna at the age of 84, her husband had passed away only a couple of years back...sad that legends have to wait all their lives to get this trivial...i mean our average life expectancy is only near about 67 years! is the govt. listening...?

Friday, May 16, 2008

what the fuck! the word caught my fancy. the letters each one of them i say, is placed like the a gemstone in pebbles (well the ordinary words would be pebbles, no guesses i mean!) in every man woman in in-between's vocabolary in the new age century! what the fish! i heard the latest! and i could not help but asking, why this decency? well, its the toned down version of the same verbatim sir, i was told. but i mean it in the same spirit! aha. thank you. i cleared they way, least i should be hurled with some fishes of this new variety, found by these adolesent scientists which come in all shapes and sizes but i am not sure of their educational background. i think they had commerce with geography and electronics as subsidary! ne ways, the other day i was walking down this huge glass pain (pane! pun intended!) where this popular brand had their grocery displayed (correct my vocab if you may please), one of the shirts said "fork you", well my dear friend instantly fell in love with the shirt, (quite an attitude guy) baught it and flaunted it all the while we were together! phew! fork you! fish you! fuck you! i mean come on! its a simple word, coitus i mean read the dictionary,babe, intercourse! the union of man and woman! man to man or man to animal would do also! and thats not all this one is the best:fcuk you! i mean like the condom slipped mid way or the traditional missinary position got out of hand! these t shirt jerker people are jsut taht jerks! just anything would do! this friend of mine (reminder:fork you shirt) having found the new found attitude became like this wannabe friend of mine who had made this 6 page resume, covering every achievement since his pre natal stage in big black bold letters! what has happened to this entire generation? rise and awake firends! fuck slips out of the tounge like the rapid fire. oh fuck so nice! oh shit fuck (can you do both together (eeeeeeeeeww)) oh fuck shit! (yyyyyyyooooooo!) a day will come when people will utter fuckoo (i meant helloooo on phone), fuckaste aunty ji. (i mean namaste!) the "f" letter has given a whole new meaning to the focab of the desi indians. which is already grappling between us english, british english and delhi english and south indian english and bihari english. the brats think this psuedo copying makes them look cool! well atleast here the f is used correctly it makes them look like a fool. arrey baba, kisi ko copy kyon karne ka, unka apna lingo hai,they use it wisely, with a middle fingure raised, hamare yahan to poora hath hee dete hain! hamara rashtra bhasa ko barawa dene ka. chalo chodo. (leave it you damn it!) i mean i cant go on writing blog entries like this na. i have to fiss. i mean piss!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

like the day and night are a part of each other. so are the life's experiences. together they make 24 hours. and thats what makes me. not the emotions the experience.
wah wah! kya bat hai...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


i have often wondered why people dread calling themselves relegious. oh. we are spiritual not relegious! why is the relegion so bad? or the one is better than the other? or will not fit into the stereotypes if i become relegious? will i become an endorser of some party that preaches one particular relegion? why cant we be relegious and spiritual both at the same time ? why cant we follow all relgions and be spirtiual at all times ? why cant we pull the unwanted from each relegion and embrace each of them at all times? why cant we blink at god's rather than bowing in front of them? why cant we say hi to them ? its about breaking barriers that man has created among gods and uniting them one more time and not vice versa. its about them this time...to merge the boudries between relegions and let them reach divine...the power is with us...this time...

Thursday, March 27, 2008


to believe and to question is to learn more to question and to believe is to place doubt...
just my thoughts...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

these days i am eating drinking thinking about trees. the weather is perfect for new leaves to blossom, every where i go i see trees blooming blossoming into little green red life, trees saluting me, trees waving at me, trees bend towards me, ah trees! deep dark green brown. lovely! its about trees, its about growth...its about life...once more...
the stone lay barren
i chisseld my hammer
i prayed a prayer
and it began to shape
i carved in the
wide eyes
lined with khol
filled the colour
made from the ghee
from the nector milk
that my cow
whom i nursed
with the choicest grains
and jaggery
cultivated in the
best soil
by my own hands
in the sunny afternoons
with water from ganga
river yamuna
holy saraswati
i gave shape to the formless
the stone spoke today
through the khol lined eyes
my stone deserves the best
as it came to life
and merged with divine